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Byrial (toktok | wok)
Bot request for Byrialbot
Lain 34:
See [[User:Robin Patterson|Robin Patterson]] 04:43, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
== Bot request for [[User:Byrialbot]] ==
Hello! Sorry for not speaking Tok Pisin. I ask for a bot flag for my interwiki bot [[User:Byrialbot|Byrialbot]] so it will not fill the recent changes page with interwiki updates.
* Bot account: [[User:Byrialbot]] ([[Special:Contributions/Byrialbot|contributions]])
* Botmaster: [[User:Byrial]]
* Botmaster's home project: [[:da:User:Byrial]]
* List of botflags on other wikipedias: als:, am:, an:, ang: ar:, arc:, ast:, az:, bat-smg:, be:, be-x-old:, bg:, bm:, bn:, bs:, bpy:, ca:, cdo:, ce:, ceb:, co:, cs:, cv:, cy:, da:, de:, dv:, el:, en:, eo:, es:, et:, fa:, ff:, fi:, fo:, fr:, frp:, fur:, fy:, ga:, gd:, gl:, he:, hi:, hr:, hsb:, hu:, hy:, ia:, id:, ie:, ig:, ilo:, io:, is:, it:, iu:, ja:, jv:, ka:, kk:, kl:, kn:, ksh:, ku:, kw:, la:, lb:, li:, ln:, lt:, lv:, mi:, mk:, ml:, mr:, ms:, nah:, nap:, nds:, nds-nl:, nl:, nn:, no:, nov:, nrm:, oc:, os:, pam:, pdc:, pms:, pt:, qu:, ro:, ru:, ru-sib: scn:, sco:, sh:, simple:, sk:, sl:, sm:, sq:, sr:, su:, sv:, sw:, ta:, te:, tg:, th:, tk:, tl:, tt:, uk:, ur:, uz:, vec:, vi:, vls:, vo:, war:, wo:, zea:, zh-classical:, zh-min-nan:, zh-yue:
* Purpose: Interwiki
* Technical details: Update interwiki links using [[meta:Pywikipediabot|Pywikipediabot]] (constantly updated with svn) normally starting from da:, nn:, no: and sv:. It mostly runs manually assisted and I try to solve found interwiki conflicts when I can.
I know that you have no bureaucrats here who can grant bot flags, but I need consensus from the local community before I can ask for the flag at the Meta-Wiki. So please tell your opinion. Thank you! [[User:Byrial|Byrial]] 08:42, 5 August 2007 (UTC)